Wednesday Morning Fly By: Summer starts now
Photo by Mitchell Leff/Getty Images
Today’s open discussion thread, complete with your daily dose of Flyers news and notes… *Big day for Chucky Two Trades yesterday, as he held his end-of-season meeting with the media, which we all got to watch. If you missed it, the highlights. [BSH]
*It was mostly a lot of boilerplate press conference nothingness but we learned that Sam Morin will have to hang them up, which is a real shame. [BSH]
*It really really stinks; Morin is a good dude and he’s had just the worst possible luck at every turn. [NBC Sports Philly]
*The other big news, which actually broke the night before, was that Mike Yeo is out as head coach. Not surprising, but confirmed now nonetheless. [ProHockeyTalk]
*As summer begins, it’s time to start thinking about which of these players are going to stay and which of them need to be sent packing. [Inquirer]
*In that vein, Charlie’s full season grades for the prospects are out. Predictably, they graded out better than the regulars. [The Athletic]
*We are two days into the ploffs and there have already been about a million fines and hearings. The first round is just the best thing ever. [ProHockeyTalk]
*And finally, now that Mike Yeo is out of work, he’s got a lot of options. We explored some. [BSH]...
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